recombination fraction — see under frequency … Medical dictionary
recombination frequency — Synonym: recombination fraction … Glossary of Biotechnology
fraction — 1. The quotient of two quantities. 2. An aliquot portion or any portion. 3. As a verb, to separate into portions. amorphous f. of adrenal cortex noncrystalline residue of an acetone extract of the ad … Medical dictionary
method — The mode or manner or orderly sequence of events of a process or procedure. SEE ALSO: fixative, operation, procedure, stain, technique. [G. methodos; fr. meta, after, + hodos, way] Abell Kendall m. a … Medical dictionary
Calorimetry in cold fusion experiments — Calorimetry is an essential part of cold fusion experiments.Cold fusion researchers use different types of calorimeters: isoperibolic, flow, Seebeck. [harvnb|Storms] The accuracy of the calorimetry has been critiqued by Lewis,cited in… … Wikipedia
map distance — The standard measure of genetic distance between loci, expressed in centiMorgans (cM) or map units. Estimated from recombination fraction via a mapping function. For small recombination fractions, map distance in cM equals the recombination… … Glossary of Biotechnology
Japanische Blutgruppendeutung — Blutgruppe A Gute Züge ehrlich, kreativ, sensibel, zurückhaltend, geduldig, verantwortlich Schlechte Züge anspruchsvoll, überehrlich, stur, angespannt, konservativ Blutgruppe B Gute Züge … Deutsch Wikipedia
血液型 — Japanische Blutgruppendeutung Gruppe A Positive Züge: Aufrichtig, schöpferisch, einfühlsam. Negative Züge: Anspruchsvoll, zu ernst. Gruppe B Positive Züge: Ausgelassen, tatkräftig, heiter. Negative Züge: Egoistisch, unverantwortlich. Gruppe AB… … Deutsch Wikipedia
map — A representation of a region or structure; E.G., of a stretch of DNA. choroplethic m. a method of mapping to display quantitative information such as death rates in defined jurisdictions (states, counties, etc.) by color coding or shading. [G.… … Medical dictionary
mapping function — In linkage analysis, a formula that converts the recombination fraction (which is on the probability scale) into map distance (in morgans) … Medical dictionary