
To disrupt the normal in vivo conformation of a nucleic acid or (more usually) a protein by physical or chemical means, usually accompanied by the loss of activity.

Glossary of Biotechnology for Food and Agriculture . 2015.

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  • dénaturé — dénaturé, ée [ denatyre ] adj. • XIIIe; de dénaturer 1 ♦ Qui a subi la dénaturation. Alcool, sel, sucre dénaturé. 2 ♦ Altéré jusqu à perdre les caractères considérés comme naturels, chez l homme. Goûts dénaturés. ⇒ dépravé, pervers. Mœurs… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • dénaturé — dénaturé, ée (dé na tu ré, rée) part. passé. 1°   Dont on a changé la nature. De l alcool dénaturé. Des biens dénaturés. 2°   Dépravé. Enfant dénaturé. âme dénaturée. •   Et je pourrais aimer des fils dénaturés !, CORN. Rodog. IV, 3. •   Serai je …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • denaturé — Denaturé, [denatur]ée. adj. Qui manque d affection & de tendresse pour ses plus proches parents. Enfant denaturé. fils denaturé qui maltraite son pere & sa mere. pere denaturé, mere denaturée, qui laisse mourir ses enfants de faim. Il sign. aussi …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • Denature — De*na ture, v. t. [De + nature.] To deprive of its natural qualities; change the nature of. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] 2. to render (ethyl alcohol) unfit to drink by adding in toxic or unpalatable substances (such as benzene or pyridine) which… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Denature — De*na ture, v. i. To become denatured. [PJC] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • denature — I verb adulterate, alter, attemper, bemingle, blend, change, cheapen, convert, corrupt, deform, denaturalize, devalue, dilute, disguise, distort, doctor, impair, infuse, intermix, introduce changes, invalidate, make impure, make lower in quality …   Law dictionary

  • denature — 1878, in modern sense, from Fr. dénaturer (O.Fr. desnaturer change the nature of; make unnatural ); see DE (Cf. de ) + NATURE (Cf. nature). Earlier to make unnatural (1680s). Related: Denatured …   Etymology dictionary

  • denature — ► VERB 1) take away or alter the natural qualities of. 2) make (alcohol) unfit for drinking by adding poisonous or foul tasting substances. DERIVATIVES denaturation noun …   English terms dictionary

  • denature — [dē nā′chər] vt. denatured, denaturing [ML denaturare: see DE & NATURE] 1. to change the nature of; take natural qualities away from 2. to make (alcohol, etc.) unfit for human consumption without spoiling for other uses 3. to change the structure …   English World dictionary

  • denature — verb (denatured; denaturing) Date: 1685 transitive verb 1. dehumanize 2. to deprive of natural qualities ; change the nature of: as a. to make (alcohol) unfit for drinking (as by adding an obnoxious s …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • denature — denaturant, n. denaturation, n. /dee nay cheuhr/, v.t., denatured, denaturing. 1. to deprive (something) of its natural character, properties, etc. 2. to render (any of various alcohols) unfit for drinking by adding an unwholesome substance that… …   Universalium

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