
A synthetic plasmid which incorporates the cos ends, and one or more selectable markers such as an antibiotic resistance gene. Cosmids were designed as vectors able to incorporate DNA fragments up to 40-50 kb in size.

Glossary of Biotechnology for Food and Agriculture . 2015.

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  • Cosmid — A cosmid, first described by Collins and Hohn in 1978, is a type of hybrid plasmid (often used as a cloning vector) that contains cos sequences, DNA sequences originally from the Lambda phage. Cosmids can be used to build genomic libraries.… …   Wikipedia

  • Cosmid — DNA from a bacterial virus into which is spliced a small fragment of a genome to be amplified and sequenced. A cosmid is an artificially constructed structure. It is used in cloning (copying) pieces of DNA. (On a technical level, a cosmid… …   Medical dictionary

  • cosmid — cos·mid (kŏzʹmĭd) n. Genetics A hybrid vector that has been spliced with plasmid DNA for cloning large genes or gene fragments.   [Blend of cos (sequence), sequence of DNA allowing the cosmid to form as a circle (short for cohesive ends), and… …   Universalium

  • cosmid — kosmidė statusas T sritis augalininkystė apibrėžtis Plazmidė, skirta klonuoti ir dauginti dideliems DNR fragmentams. atitikmenys: angl. cosmid rus. космида …   Žemės ūkio augalų selekcijos ir sėklininkystės terminų žodynas

  • cosmid vector — cosmid vector. См. космида. (Источник: «Англо русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд во ВНИРО, 1995 г.) …   Молекулярная биология и генетика. Толковый словарь.

  • Cosmid — Als Cosmide bezeichnet man Plasmide, die sogenannte cos sites (cohesive site) enthalten. Dabei handelt es sich um DNA Sequenzen, die aus dem λ Phagen stammen. Diese Abschnitte liegen an den Enden des linearen Phagenchromosoms und sind jeweils von …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • cosmid — (koz mid) A plasmid vector with lambda phage cos sites that can be packaged in a phage capsid; it is useful for cloning large DNA fragments …   Dictionary of microbiology

  • cosmid — A type of bacteriophage lambda vector. Often used for construction of genomic libraries, because of their ability to carry relatively long pieces of DNA insert, compared with plasmids …   Dictionary of molecular biology

  • cosmid — noun ˈkɑzmɪd A type of plasmid (often used as a cloning vector) constructed by the insertion of cos sequences, which are DNA sequences of the lambda phage …   Wiktionary

  • Cosmid — Cos|mid 〈n.; Gen.: s, Pl.: e; Biochemie〉 künstlich hergestellter Klonierungsträger, der das zu klonierende DNA Segment enthält u. in Plasmide von Bakterienwirten eingebaut werden kann [Etym.: <cos Gen + Plasmid] …   Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch

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