conditional lethal mutation
- conditional lethal mutation
mutation that is lethal under one set of environmental conditions (the restrictive conditions, commonly associated with high temperature) but is viable under another set of environmental conditions (the permissive conditions).
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conditional lethal mutation — a mutation lethal only under certain environmental or genetic conditions; see also lethal m … Medical dictionary
lethal mutation — a mutation that results in the premature death of the organism; see also conditional lethal m … Medical dictionary
Mutation — For other uses, see Mutation (disambiguation). Part of the Biology series on Evolution … Wikipedia
temperature-sensitive mutation — (= ts mutation) A type of conditional mutation in organism, somatic cell or virus that makes it possible to study genes whose total inactivation would be lethal. Such ts mutations can also make possible studies of the effect of reversible… … Dictionary of molecular biology
Мутация условно-летальная — * мутацыя ўмоўна лятальная * conditional lethal mutation мутация, которая убивает организмы при одних условия окружающей среды (рестриктивные условия), но не является летальной при других (пермиссивные условия) … Генетика. Энциклопедический словарь
mutant — 1. A phenotype in which a mutation is manifested. 2. A gene that is rare and usually harmful, in contrast to a wild type gene, not necessarily generated recently. active m. a m. with overt phenotypic expression. amber m. a m. with a mutation… … Medical dictionary
genetic disease, human — Introduction any of the diseases and disorders that are caused by mutations in one or more genes (gene). With the increasing ability to control infectious and nutritional diseases in developed countries, there has come the realization … Universalium
Oncogenomics — is relatively new sub field of genomics, which applies high throughput technologies to characterize genes associated with cancer. Oncogenomics is synonymous with cancer genomics . Cancer is a genetic disease caused by accumulation of mutations to … Wikipedia
List of genetics-related topics — This is a list of terms related to genetics. NOTOC # * 3 end * 5 end A * Acentric chromosome * Achondroplasia * Active site * Adam s Curse * Adaptation * Adenine * Adenosine * Adenovirus * Adenosine diphosphate (ADP) * Ala * Alagille syndrome *… … Wikipedia
List of genetic engineering topics — NOTOC # 3 end 5 end A Acentric chromosome Achondroplasia Active site Adam s Curse Adaptation Adenine Adenosine Adenosine diphosphate Adenovirus ADP Ala Alagille syndrome Albino Alcoholism Alkylating agent Allele Allele frequency Alleles… … Wikipedia