Water supply and sanitation in Yemen — is characterized by poor service quality and low levels of access, the latter being almost as low as in Sub Saharan Africa for sanitation. Yemen is both the poorest country and the most water scarce country in the Arab world. In addition, the… … Wikipedia
Water efficiency — can be defined as *1) the accomplishment of a function, task, process, or result with the minimal amount of water feasible; *2) an indicator of the relationship between the amount of water required for a particular purpose and the amount of water … Wikipedia
Water resources — A natural wetland Water resources are sources of water that are useful or potentially useful. Uses of water include agricultural, industrial … Wikipedia
Water conflicts — IntroductionAccording to the Heidelberg Institute for International Conflict Research, [Heidelberg Institute for International Conflict Research (Department of Political Science, University of Heidelberg); Conflict Barometer 2007:Crises – Wars –… … Wikipedia
Water resources in Mexico — {| style= width: 25em; font size: 90%; text align: left; class= infobox !align= center bgcolor= lightblue colspan= 2 |Mexico: Water Resources #if:{ }|Water resources in many parts of Mexico are under stress, especially in the arid northwest and… … Wikipedia
Water war — A water war describes an armed conflict motivated around the use or possession of water resources within a state’s boundary or between two different states.The only reported example of an actual inter state conflict over water is the one between… … Wikipedia
Water — This article is about general aspects of water. For a detailed discussion of its properties, see Properties of water. For other uses, see Water (disambiguation) … Wikipedia
WATER CRISIS In THE MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA — ▪ 1998 Introduction by Peter Rogers Water availability has for millennia shaped the culture of the people in the part of the world now commonly referred to as the Middle East and North Africa. This huge region extends from the Maghreb,… … Universalium
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Monitoring Program — The Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Monitoring Program (WaSH MP) is a local initiative that is responsible for monitoring the enduring crisis in the water sector in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt).OverviewIn a region already suffering… … Wikipedia
Stress corrosion cracking — (SCC) is the unexpected sudden failure of normally ductile metals or tough thermoplastics subjected to a tensile stress in a corrosive environment, especially at elevated temperature (in the case of metals). SCC is highly chemically specific in… … Wikipedia