biofilms — Organized microbial systems consisting of layers of microbial cells associated with surfaces, often with complex structural and functional characteristics. Biofilms have physical/chemical gradients that influence microbial metabolic processes.… … Dictionary of microbiology
Phototrophic biofilms — fraction. ). Phototrophic biofilms and microbial mats have been described in extreme environments like thermal springs [Roeselers, G., Norris, T.B., Castenholz, R.W., Rysgaard, S., Glud, R., Kühl, M., andMuyzer, G. (2007)Diversity of phototrophic … Wikipedia
Biofilm — A biofilm is a structured community of microorganisms encapsulated within a self developed polymeric matrix and adherent to a living or inert surface. Biofilms are also often characterized by surface attachment, structural heterogeneity, genetic… … Wikipedia
Biofilm — pour partie photosynthétique sur vase estuarienne exondée, se formant à marée descendante … Wikipédia en Français
Voiles microbiens — Biofilm Biofilm sur vase estuarienne exondée, se formant à marée descendante … Wikipédia en Français
Oral ecology — Adult mouths may contain 500 to 1,000 different types of bacteria as part of the human flora and oral microbiology, but about 100 to 200 species may live in them at any given time.[1] Those who care for their teeth and have a relatively clean… … Wikipedia
Biofilm — Biofilme bestehen aus einer dünnen Schleimschicht (Film), in der Mikroorganismen (z. B. Bakterien, Algen, Pilze, Protozoen) eingebettet sind. Biofilme entstehen, wenn Mikroorganismen sich an Grenzflächen ansiedeln. Sie bilden sich… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Chemistry of biofilm prevention — Biofilm formation occurs when free floating microorganisms attach themselves to a surface. They secrete extracellular polymers that provide a structural matrix and facilitate adhesion. Because biofilms protect the bacteria, they are often more… … Wikipedia
Bacille pyocyanique — Pseudomonas aeruginosa Pseudomonas aeruginosa … Wikipédia en Français
Pseudomonas Aeruginosa — Pseudomonas aeruginosa … Wikipédia en Français