- periclinal chimera
- 1. Genotypically or cytoplasmically different tissues arranged in concentric layers.
Glossary of Biotechnology for Food and Agriculture . 2015.
Glossary of Biotechnology for Food and Agriculture . 2015.
Chimera (plant) — Chimeras (or chimaeras) in botany are usually single organisms composed of two genetically different types of tissue. They occur in plants, on the same general basis as with animal chimeras. However, unlike animal chimeras, both types of tissues… … Wikipedia
pericline — ˈperəˌklīn noun ( s) Etymology: Greek periklinēs, adjective, sloping on all sides 1. : a variety of albite occurring in white opaque crystals elongated in the direction of the macro axis and often twinned with this axis as twinning axis 2. : one… … Useful english dictionary