opal stop codon
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Stop codon — In the genetic code, a stop codon (or termination codon) is a nucleotide triplet within messenger RNA that signals a termination of translation.[1] Proteins are based on polypeptides, which are unique sequences of amino acids. Most codons in… … Wikipedia
stop codon — noun , a sequence of three RNA nucleotides (A, C, G or U) that instruct the synthesis, or translation, of a protein to stop. The three letter stop codon sequences have been given names: UAG is amber, UGA is opal, and UAA is ochre … Wiktionary
Stop-Codon — Als Stopcodon, auch Nonsense Codon wird in der Genetik ein Basentriplett (Codon) der Desoxyribonukleinsäure (DNA) beziehungsweise der Ribonukleinsäure (RNA) bezeichnet, für das keine zugehörige tRNA (Transfer RNA) vorliegt und somit den Abbruch… … Deutsch Wikipedia
stop codon — A set of three nucleotides for which there is no corresponding tRNA molecule to insert an amino acid into the polypeptide chain. Protein synthesis is hence terminated and the completed polypeptide released from the ribosome. Three stop codons are … Glossary of Biotechnology
Codon — Genetische Code Sonne: Die Kodierung der Aminosäuren (außen) durch die Basentripletts auf der mRNA ist von innen (5 ) nach außen (3 ) zu lesen. Der genetische Code ist eine Regel, nach der in Nukleinsäuren befindliche Dreiergruppen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Opal (disambiguation) — An opal is a gemstone. Opal may also refer to: Contents 1 People 1.1 Fictional characters 2 Places 3 Research facilities … Wikipedia
opal — noun a) A mineral consisting, like quartz, of silica, but inferior to quartz in hardness and specific gravity, of the chemical formula SiO·nHO. b) , A colloquial name used in molecular biology referring to a particular stop codon sequence, UGA … Wiktionary
Codon — A set of any three adjacent bases in the DNA or RNA. There are 64 different codons of which 61 specify the incorporation of an amino acid into a polypeptide chain while the remaining three are stop codons that signal the end of a polypeptide. For … Medical dictionary
DNA codon table — The genetic code is traditionally represented as a RNA codon table due to the biochemical nature of the protein translation process. However, with the rise of computational biology and genomics, proteins have become increasingly studied at a… … Wikipedia
Mycoplasma — Not to be confused with Mycobacteria. Mycoplasma Scientific classification Kingdom: Bacteria Phylum: Tenericutes or Firmicutes Class … Wikipedia