helper T lymphocyte

helper T lymphocyte

Glossary of Biotechnology for Food and Agriculture . 2015.

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  • helper T lymphocyte — or helper T cell noun (immunology) A thymus derived lymphocyte which co operates with B lymphocytes to enable them to produce an antibody when stimulated by an antigen • • • Main Entry: ↑help …   Useful english dictionary

  • helper T cell — noun T cell with CD4 receptor that recognizes antigens on the surface of a virus infected cell and secretes lymphokines that stimulate B cells and killer T cells; helper T cells are infected and killed by the AIDS virus • Syn: ↑helper cell, ↑CD4… …   Useful english dictionary

  • helper T cell — help·er T cell .hel pər tē n a T cell that participates in an immune response by recognizing a foreign antigen and secreting lymphokines to activate T cell and B cell proliferation, that usu. carries CD4 molecular markers on its cell surface, and …   Medical dictionary

  • helper cells — helper T cells differentiated T lymphocytes whose cooperation (help) is required for the production of antibody against most (T dependent) antigens. Activation of B lymphocytes (B cells) requires recognition of the antigenic determinant against… …   Medical dictionary

  • Lymphocyte T4 — Lymphocyte T auxiliaire Les cellules CD4+ (en anglais T Helper), parfois appelés lymphocytes T4 ou plus précisément lymphocytes Th à CD4 positif, sont un type original différencié des autres lymphocytes T, non phagocytaires, agissant seulement… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Lymphocyte — A lymphocyte is a type of white blood cell in the vertebrate immune system. By their appearance under the light microscope, there are two broad categories of lymphocytes, namely the large granular lymphocytes and the small lymphocytes.… …   Wikipedia

  • lymphocyte — lymphocytic /lim feuh sit ik/, adj. /lim feuh suyt /, n. Anat. a type of white blood cell having a large, spherical nucleus surrounded by a thin layer of nongranular cytoplasm. Cf. B cell, T cell. [1885 90; LYMPHO + CYTE] * * * Type of leukocyte… …   Universalium

  • Lymphocyte T auxiliaire — Les lymphocytes T auxiliaires (en anglais T helper ou Th), parfois appelés lymphocytes T CD4+, sont un type original différencié des autres lymphocytes T, non cytotoxique, agissant seulement comme des intermédiaires de la réponse immunitaire. Ils …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Helper/suppressor ratio — The T Lymphocyte Helper/Suppressor Profile (Helper/Suppressor ratio, T4:T8 ratio, CD4:CD8 ratio) is a basic laboratory test in which the percentage of CD3 positive lymphocytes in the blood positive for CD4 (T helper cells) and CD8 (a class of… …   Wikipedia

  • Lymphocyte T — Les lymphocytes T, ou cellules T, sont une catégorie de lymphocytes qui jouent un grand rôle dans la réponse immunitaire secondaire. « T » est l abréviation de thymus, l organe dans lequel leur développement s achève. Ils sont… …   Wikipédia en Français

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