genetic assimilation
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genetic assimilation — genetic assimilation. См. генетическая ассимиляция. (Источник: «Англо русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд во ВНИРО, 1995 г.) … Молекулярная биология и генетика. Толковый словарь.
Genetic assimilation — Note: Genetic assimilation is sometimes used to describe eventual extinction of a natural species as massive pollen flow occurs from another related species and the older crop becomes more like the new crop.… … Wikipedia
genetic assimilation — The fixation of a genetic character being influenced by artificial environmental changes, not evident in the original phenotype … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
assimilation — n. [L. ad, near; similis, like] The basic nature of living matter to convert other substances into its own components; see genetic assimilation … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
Genetic epistemology — is a study of the origins (genesis) of knowledge (epistemology), which was established by Jean Piaget.The goal of genetic epistemology is to link the validity of knowledge to the model of its construction. In other words, it shows that the method … Wikipedia
Genetic origins of the Turkish people — The migrations of Turkic speaking groups in Anatolia was a shift in language barrier between Altaic languages and Indo European languages. The nature of this exchange has been subject of long debates by the scientists. Anatolia and the medieval… … Wikipedia
Genetische Assimilation — ist ein von Conrad Hal Waddington 1953 erstmals verwendeter Begriff in der Evolutionsbiologie.[1] Gemeint ist „die genetische Fixierung einer adaptiven plastischen Antwort im Genom“.[2] Nimmt die phänotypische Plastizität ab, spricht Gilbert von… … Deutsch Wikipedia
генетическая ассимиляция — genetic assimilation генетическая ассимиляция. Процесс закрепления модификационного признака (возникшего в ответ на действие внешних факторов) в генотипе под действием отбора и, как правило, в результате соответствующей мутации, впоследствии… … Молекулярная биология и генетика. Толковый словарь.
Canalisation (genetics) — Norms of reaction for two genotypes. Genotype B shows a strongly bimodal distribution indicating differentiation into distinct phenotypes. Each phenotype is buffered against environmental variation it is canalised. Canalisation (canalization in… … Wikipedia
Conrad Hal Waddington — (* 8. November 1905 in Evesham; † 26. September 1975 in Edinburgh) war ein britischer Entwicklungsbiologe, Paläontologe, Genetiker, Embryologe und Philosoph. Er lieferte grundlegende Arbeiten zur Entwicklungsbiologie und Epigenetik. Waddington… … Deutsch Wikipedia