facultative anaerobe

facultative anaerobe
An organism that will grow under either aerobic or anaerobic conditions.

Glossary of Biotechnology for Food and Agriculture . 2015.

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  • facultative anaerobe — a microorganism that can grow under either anaerobic or aerobic conditions …   Medical dictionary

  • anaerobe — A microorganism that can live and grow in the absence of oxygen. [G. an priv. + aer, air, + bios, life] facultative a. an a. that either grows in the presence of air or under conditions of reduced oxygen tension. obligate a. an a. that will grow… …   Medical dictionary

  • anaerobe — n. any organism, especially a microbe, that is able to live and grow in the absence of free oxygen. A facultative anaerobe is a microorganism that grows best in the presence of oxygen but is capable of some growth in its absence. An obligate… …   The new mediacal dictionary

  • Анаэроб (Anaerobe) — любой микроорганизм, особенно микроб, который способен жить, расти и развиваться при отсутствии свободного кислорода. Факультативный анаэроб (facultative anaerobe) представляет собой микроорганизм, который лучше растет при наличии в окружающей… …   Медицинские термины

  • Obligate anaerobe — Aerobic and anaerobic bacteria can be identified by growing them in liquid culture: 1. Obligate aerobe 2. Obligate anaerobe 3. Facultative anaerobic organism (continuum with Facultative aerobic organism ) 4. Microaerophile 5. Aerotolerant… …   Wikipedia

  • АНАЭРОБ — (anaerobe) любой микроорганизм, особенно микроб, который способен жить, расти и развиваться при отсутствии свободного кислорода. Факультативный анаэроб (facultative anaerobe) представляет собой микроорганизм, который лучше растет при наличии в… …   Толковый словарь по медицине

  • Pathogenic bacteria — Clostridium tetani Bacterial infection Classification and external resources MeSH …   Wikipedia

  • Gram-positive bacteria — Gram positive bacteria, stained purple, of both the bacillus (“rod shaped”) and coccus (spherical) forms.  A few Gram negative bacteria are also present, stained pink.  Numbered ticks are eleven (11) microns apart. Gram positive… …   Wikipedia

  • Yersinia pestis — A scanning electron microscope micrograph depicting a mass of Yersinia pestis bacteria. Scientific classification Domain …   Wikipedia

  • Aerobic organism — Aerobic and anaerobic bacteria can be identified by growing them in a liquid culture: 1: Obligate aerobic bacteria gather at the top of the test tube in order to absorb maximal amount of oxygen. 2: Obligate anaerobic bacteria gather at the bottom …   Wikipedia

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